03185727534 info@atap.com.pk


Pakistan offers the best Tourist destinations, but it need to be explored. The tourists are attracted to these areas because it is conceptual based and historical culture, adventure and exciting areas and more than that hospitality of their people. Pakistan always offer the best Adventure tours and jeep safaris from the main of highest and biggest mountain ranges (Karakorams, Himalaya, Hindu Kush) to the Southern areas of Pakistan.

Four wheeler visit the most remote and unspoiled valleys, including their civilization, as tourist visit these areas one must find that the primitive days life style still exist, while going to these areas one has to go to the 8th wonder of the world, Karakoram Highway it is unique, and the road was built by the Pakistani engineers in association with the Chinese Experts and technicians. The road completed in 16 years, it has been forced through some of the world’s toughest mountains and glaciers.


Days Destinations
Days 1 Islamabad.
Days 2 Chilas
Days 3 Astor, Rama.
Days 4 Rama to Skardu via Deosai plain.
Days 5 Skardu/Shigrila/Shigar vellay/Buda Rock night Skardu hotel.
Days 6 Skardu to Khaplu sight seen via MantokhaApshar hotel Khaplu.
Days 7 Khaplu to Gilgit.
Days 8 Karim Abad.
Days 9 Sight Seen in Karim Abad.
Days 10 Khunjrab Pass over night in Sust.
Days 11 Gilgit.
Days 12 Gupis
Days 13 Mustuj
Days 14 Chitral.
Days 15-39 Klash Valley.
Days 40-46 Chitral
Days 47 Islamabad
Days 50 Fly to Home.