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Stunning rock formations in Kondus Valley, located in the Ghanche district of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, known for its remote beauty and rugged landscapes.


Kondus valley is located in the Ghanche district of Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan. The valley followed two boundaries China north side and...

A breathtaking view of Laila Peak, one of the most beautiful and iconic mountains in the Karakoram range, with its sharp, needle-like summit.


Situated just 2 days of trek, Laila Peak (6096m) is considered to be the most beautiful peak in Karakoram. This beautiful six thousand meter peak is unique in its own beauty in terms of climbing and having a panoramic view, standing at the footsteps of Gondogoro la towards Hushe, this is one of the technical six thousand meter high peaks

Towering granite spires of the Trango Towers in the Karakoram range, Pakistan, a world-famous destination for rock climbers and extreme mountaineers.


The Trango Towers are a group of dramatic granite spires located on the north side of the Trango Towers Base Camp Baltoro Glacier, in Baltistan, a district of the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan (formerly Northern Areas). They are part of the Baltoro Muztagh, a subrange of the Karakoram Range